What We Do

Since 1998, we've built websites for business large and small, from Fortune 1000 companies that manufacturer large machinery down to 'mom-and-pop' businesses that sold heirloom lace. Our goal is for your next website to fit your business needs. Not until we sit down with our customer, do we assume we know how they do business or what their web presence can do for them. At James River Web Designs, we want to get to know you and your business, only with this understanding can we help you meet your online needs...And maybe suggest a few ways to do business that maybe you haven't considered.

From the web to app development, from static to custom dynamic content managed websites, business cards to online storefronts, we have done it all. We host websites, web applications, and email services too. If you're really curious, ask about our instore advertising system. When you're ready, give us a call.

Website Examples

Website Sample

Another Website

Every client has individual needs.

We only build custom websites and applications.

Facebook, AdWords, Social Media Marketing, We do that too.